Ontario Produce Marketing Association - Product Person of the Year 2016 
The OPMA Cory-Clack Streef Produce Person of the Year was awarded to Jason Verkaik, currently chair of the Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Growers’ Association. The onion and carrot grower from the Holland Marsh has built bridges between country and city, with media interviews and lobbying efforts with provincial and federal politicians. He is a staunch supporter of the Northern School Fruit and Vegetable Program and the Fresh from the Farm fundraising program.
View the OPMA accouncement
Bradford Board of Trade - Agricultural Award 2016 
Carron Farms and Harvest Share Food Box were award for business excellence in Agriculture by the Bradford Board of Trade in 2016.
See more about the Brandford Board of Trade Awards here
Premier Award for Agrifood Innovation Excellence 2014 
Carron Farms was awarded for innovative products and ideas that are creating local jobs and bringing more locally grown food to the dinner table. The Premiers award started in 2007 as a way to recognize innovation in processing, production and distribution of Agrifood that benefits the province's vital agricultural industry.
Finalist for the Ontario Outstanding Young Farmer Award 2011.
Carron Farms is excited that Jason Verkaik has been selected as a Finalist. We would also like to offer our congratulations to the other five finalist Paul and Kelly Brooks, Ed and Julie Danen, Ian and Vicki Mayberry, Wes and Briar Wiens, John and Maxine Zekveld. We wish you all good luck on March 11.
We thank you all for your hard work on your respective farms and the positive light you shed on the future of Agriculture in Ontario.
Visit the Ontario Outstanding Young Farmer Website